Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's almost over...soak it up!!!!!

All of our families birthdays are now over for the year, Jen's wedding too and Christmas is in a few days, and then what? There is all of this preparation for birthdays and Christmas between parties and church activities and then we are left with cleaning up afterwards.

On top of all of the regular festivities, my sister-in-law got married last week which topped off this season with another dose running around. After all is said and done it was better to have been busy with it all than to have nothing. I am tired and I have been a little stressed but in two weeks when the new year begins, I will have a lot to look back on and appreciate. It was in those busy stressful times that I got to spend with family and friends, to get out of my comfort zone and rely on the Lord, and to experience new things that I normally wouldn't be a part of.

So, it is almost over, but I am going to sing the heck out of some Christmas songs for the next few days, my tree will stay lit 14 out of the 24 hours in a day, and most importantly I am going to soak up every sweet minute with my family because that has been such a gift to me.

Again, Merry Christmas to our dear friends in other states and countries and to whoever is reading this.

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