Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pink Ice Cream

Kate can count to twenty and sort of knows her abc's, but when it comes to colors she just guesses. Tonight we had an ice cream social after church and it was so wonderful. It kind of felt like a big family getting together in the fellowship hall to snack on sweets and catch up. All night Kate had one thing on her cream. Not just any ice cream, but PINK ICE CREAM. They had chocolate, banana, peanut butter, peanut butter with chocolate, walnut, and I must add these are all in homemade churns - YUM. She could care less, she wanted pink ice cream and that was all there was to it. This simple experience with our 2 year old made me think of something quite serious.

Needless to say Randy found her some pink ice cream in the freezer. It's so funny how children get their mind on things and just won't deviate. I wish we as adults would be just as "sold out" for things that really count in the world. (without variableness) This is how James describes God and how He is unchangeable. Kate wouldn't change her mind, she was SET on pink ice cream. I hope that I can be just as SET on living like Jesus and not settle for some cheap imitation or substitute.

Have a blessed week!