Friday, July 25, 2008

What Does God Do in His Office and other Memorable Vacation Quotes

We're trying to capture some of the funny things Kate has said while we're on vacation.  She picks things up now so incredibly quickly, and it's impossible to capture everything.  Here are just a few of the more amusing things.  She's learned the difference between the word "elevator" and "alligator" with one simple phrase; "Don't feed the alligators on the elevator."  This morning she woke up, crawled into bed with her mom-mom and pop-pop, and they talked.  She looked at mom-mom and said, "Mom-mom, what does God do in his office?"  They said he helps people.  I thought that was just as good an answer as any.  She's becoming a little planner too, like her mom.  While we were riding through the resort, we heard her in the back seat say, "Mom-mom said we would go to the beach.  That's the options.  Yep, that's the options."  She's a sponge, and if we stop for a second, we'll miss it.  That's all for now.

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