Saturday, February 16, 2008

We're laughing!

Valentine's has come and gone. I admit that I, like any other girl, likes to be doted on, but with children that doesn't happen as easily as it used to. Josh and I had the opportunity to spend last Friday night with our church for a special Valentine's dinner. There we had wonderful music by a talented church member, great food, and fellowship. Our church members also took part in a game that tested their knowledge about their spouse. It was hilarious. All in all the night was a success and all for the Lord! Josh shared how important it is that we see what TRUE LOVE is. It isn't in any Meg Ryan movie (although I love them) and it isn't in the soap operas that are on tv. It is in Jesus, and only through Him can we love effectively other people that are imperfect and sometimes impossible to love. To look at our picture, please understand that we are silly people, but if you heard us at our house, you would believe that the picture matches us perfectly. We find that laughing helps us enjoy each other more. I hope that you had a great Valentine's Day but that you ask Jesus to help you love someone either for the first time in a long time or more effectively this year!


mkgowan21 said...

We are very glad you and Josh and he girls are a part of the Little Mountain Family and we miss you when you have to be away on Sunday. Even though you're silly, we're glad to have you. I enjoy your blog too.

Pam said...

I miss your silly laugh and fun spirit to be around! Hope you are doing well. Looking forward to some pictures of your sweet girls on here!
Love ya!