Friday, October 26, 2007

Teaser. Warning: Don't Read if You Can't Hear Pregnancy Terms (i.e. most men)

Ok. Dilation in pregnancy is so much a teaser! At 36 weeks, or the last month of your pregnancy term, you begin going to the doctor weekly instead of monthly. For our 1st and also our current pregnancy, Brooke was dilated at around a 2 at the 36 week visit. We thought, "Any day now!" Then the next week it's the same story, "Ok, this week it's really any day now." Then the next week it's "There's no way this baby goes to term!" Then week 39 hits and every indigestion or slight stomach pain and it's hands gripping the table and and one foot out the door. Family comes over ready for the trip to the hospital. No baby. Delivery day; Brooke plays tennis (surely this sends her over the edge to labor). No baby. Family goes home. 4 days later (and a shot of caster oil) and Brooke's in labor for real. Family drives back to see us (we're in Raleigh), and gets there 45 minutes before delivery. We spent an entire month being teased by dilation and being effaced, with a low key contraction every now and then. Now we're not gonna be fooled by dilation. She's a 2 and 40% effaced, and we don't expect labor before her induction date. Maybe if we prepare less she'll go sooner?

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